Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome Back

Bonjour et bienvenue! Welcome back to École Golden Gate Middle School.

We are looking forward to spending another great year with all of our students! We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new grade six students and a welcome back to our grade 7 and 8 students. The older students are excited to get to know our grade six students and help them navigate in their new setting. We would also like to welcome new staff members, Ms. Banks, M. Molloy, Mme Smith, Mme BenAissa and Ms. Anderson. Welcome back to Mme Morneau who is returning from maternity leave.

The beginning of a new school year gives all students the chance to renew friendships and to make new friends within our multi-age homeroom setting. These homerooms allow older and younger students to mix so that each grade of students has contacts and friends across grade levels. Parents are reminded to contact the homeroom teacher advisor with any concerns and s/he will forward the concerns to the appropriate staff members.

The homeroom teacher is the parents’ link to all of us in the school. This will also save parents time as all siblings have the same homeroom teacher. If you wish to communicate with a teacher, please feel free to email him/her or leave a message with one of our administrative assistants. We believe communication with parents is of the utmost importance and we encourage and welcome your questions. The Golden Gate staff is very enthusiastic and they are sure to make this year a fun and memorable one for our students. We encourage students to get involved in many activities offered at the school. École Golden Gate Middle School offers a wide variety of extra-curricular activities thanks to our amazing and committed staff. We are entering our second year of the divisional iPad initiative.

To date we have seen a great deal of engagement in our classrooms through digital learning. We will be sure to inform you and provide you with all pertinent policies and agreements as well as the date and process for the iPad distribution during the month of September. We look forward to another great year!

 The Administrative Team

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